Kompatibilni zamenski canon kolor laser toner ketridz crveni C-EXV-29 MG
Toner Canon C-EXV-29 Magenta (2798B002) je originalni crveni toner kompatibilan sa sledećim Canon štampačima:
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5030
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5030i
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5035
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5035i
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5235
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5235A
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5235i
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5235Series
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5240
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5240A
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5240i
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5240Series
Kapacitet štampe ovog tonera je približno 27.000 stranica pri pokrivenosti od 5%.
Ključne reči: Canon C-EXV-29 Magenta, 2798B002, crveni toner, kompatibilni štampači, kapacitet štampe, 27.000 stranica, imageRUNNER Advance C5030, C5030i, C5035, C5035i, C5235, C5235A, C5235i, C5235Series, C5240, C5240A, C5240i, C5240Series.
The Canon C-EXV-29 Magenta toner (2798B002) is an original red toner compatible with the following Canon printers:
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5030
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5030i
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5035
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5035i
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5235
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5235A
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5235i
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5235Series
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5240
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5240A
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5240i
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5240Series
The print capacity of this toner is approximately 27,000 pages at 5% coverage.
Keywords: Canon C-EXV-29 Magenta, 2798B002, red toner, compatible printers, print capacity, 27,000 pages, imageRUNNER Advance C5030, C5030i, C5035, C5035i, C5235, C5235A, C5235i, C5235Series, C5240, C5240A, C5240i, C5240Series.
Тонер Canon C-EXV-29 Magenta (2798B002) является оригинальным красным тонером, совместимым со следующими принтерами Canon:
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5030
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5030i
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5035
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5035i
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5235
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5235A
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5235i
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5235Series
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5240
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5240A
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5240i
- Canon imageRUNNER Advance C5240Series
Емкость печати этого тонера составляет примерно 27 000 страниц при покрытии 5%.
Ключевые слова: Canon C-EXV-29 Magenta, 2798B002, красный тонер, совместимые принтеры, емкость печати, 27 000 страниц, imageRUNNER Advance C5030, C5030i, C5035, C5035i, C5235, C5235A, C5235i, C5235Series, C5240, C5240A, C5240i, C5240Series.